HiveWatch - Blog

HiveWatch: Phase 1

Written by Jordan Hill | Aug 19, 2022 8:10:03 PM

When we started building HiveWatch in 2020, we had a vision of what the modern Physical Security Program would look like. HiveWatch has been quietly working over the last two years to understand the pains of security professionals and how to address them head on. As Head of Product, to actually see the vision of HiveWatch come to life has been incredible, not just for myself, but for the industry as a whole. Our goal at HiveWatch has been to change the way that security professionals operate on a daily basis. Quieting the noise, aggregating vital data quickly, and changing programs from reactive to proactive, these were the foundational pillars to building the future of Physical Security.  Today, I’m proud to say that Phase 1 of our vision is now a reality. Here’s what we’ve found with our current customers using HiveWatch:

  1. Customers are now able to respond to threats faster.
    Prior to HiveWatch, customers had a 15 minute average Time to Resolve an Incident (from Acknowledgement to Close). After HiveWatch, their weekly average is between 40 seconds - to 1 minute.

  2. Customers are moving from Reactive to Proactive.
    One of HiveWatch’s customers had so many alarms that they would need 6x the number of operators they currently have per day to respond to every alarm. With the deployment of HiveWatch, additional operators weren’t needed (saving budget) and the operators were able spend less time on reacting to alarms, and more time on proactive security (conducting investigations, intelligence, etc.). With this, the customer is ultimately able to up-level their current employees, turning their operators into analysts.
  3. Customers have less noise.
    One client saw their monthly false positives fall significantly. Through our GSOC Analytics, HiveWatch was able to show them which devices the false positives were coming from and fix the problems that had been plaguing them. And we’re only just getting started.

These stats show that we have just scratched the surface. With Phase 1 complete, we now have the footing to build Phase 2 of our modern Physical Security vision. Looking forward to sharing more updates on how we are bringing the industry forward, with the ultimate goal of keeping organizations and their people safe.