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Explore by Jon Harris

Jon Harris
Jon Harris, PSP, CPP, MBA, has been in the security industry for over 15 years in various capacities. From Security Officer to Global Security Director, Business Development Manager, Consultant, and now Sr. Product Manager at HiveWatch, Jon has seen the industry from many different angles. His background provides a unique perspective on the industry and a solution-oriented approach that puts the end-user first.
The Art of Strategic Partnerships: Ensuring Value and Alignment
Partnerships can be a powerful tool for growth and innovation. However, not all partnerships are created equal. To truly leverage the benefits of a collaborative partnership, companies should..
Taking the Physical Security Ecosystem Approach to Access Control
As a Security Director, I spent a lot of time seeking a single solution that would fulfill all my physical security operational needs — like bending an access control system (ACS) a bit to perform..
Product Feature: Embedded Standard Operating Procedures
“We need to order an expander for this thing,” the Command Center Operator told me as I reviewed the updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). In front of me was a massive desktop display with..
Reimagining the Channel
In the security industry, “The Channel” is discussed in hushed tones and dark corners; this omnipresent thing that mustn’t be disturbed, or the industry as we know it will cease to exist. Or so that is the reality that is typically portrayed. The fear of disrupting The..
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