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Explore by false alarms
The Cost of Doing Nothing
Now that we’re halfway through the year, decisions around budgets, capital outlays, and upcoming investments are being made, dominating leadership meeting conversations and negotiations. As security leaders, your department plays a crucial role in protecting the people..
Reducing Noise the Right Way
“Noise” in a global security operations center (GSOC) refers to the numerous alarms coming in for operators to analyze and address. Amongst this “noise” are legitimate security alerts that need to be addressed immediately, crowded by completely false alarms triggered..
Security Fusion, Explained
As HiveWatch has built a platform aimed at bringing together multiple streams of incoming data, we talk a lot about the term ‘Security Fusion.’ Now, we’re defining it.
TLDW: 3 Key Insights from the Security Business State Webinar
The security industry is, of course, ever-changing. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of industry trends and progressions to make sure you’re not falling behind when it comes to adapting and..
How Technology Addresses Worker Shortages in Security
It’s clear that despite recent layoffs in the tech industry and general unease about the economy, there are still significant gaps in the number of jobs available and the amount of workers available..
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