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A Look Back at 2022 with HiveWatch Founder & CEO
HiveWatch had an amazing year, and we’re excited and proud about the progress we’ve made in 2022.
Embracing New Technology in Physical Security
Companies moving to the Cloud As companies reflect on the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent changes to business operations, the maturity and effectiveness of physical security..
How to Keep Your GSOC Engaged and Ready
A GSOC is a key tenet of any security strategy, and because of this you want your team to be prepared and ready to act in a moment's notice if something were to go awry. But, if we’re being honest,..
How Technology Addresses Worker Shortages in Security
It’s clear that despite recent layoffs in the tech industry and general unease about the economy, there are still significant gaps in the number of jobs available and the amount of workers available..
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