Industry Expertise

Field Resources & Guarding Relationships: Optimizing Security

Field Resources & Guarding Relationships: Optimizing Security

Security is a crucial aspect of any organization, and the effectiveness of security teams directly impacts the safety and well-being of employees and the protection of assets. In today’s business landscape, security teams are frequently asked to operate with limited resources while facing ever-evolving security threats. 

Understanding the different types of field resources available and how to manage them effectively is vital for creating a comprehensive security strategy.

In-House Guards: 

These are security personnel directly employed by the organization. While in-house guards offer the advantage of intimate knowledge of the company's specific needs and greater organizational buy-in, they can be more expensive and may require additional management to ensure compliance and combat potential burnout.

Contracted Guards:

Many organizations opt to hire guards through third-party guarding services, bringing specialized expertise and the flexibility to scale security up or down as needed. However, contracting companies may have less oversight and control, leading to varying quality and potential turnover issues.

Virtual Guarding:

Virtual guarding leverages technology such as video surveillance, AI, and remote monitoring to oversee physical security. While cost-effective and capable of covering large areas, virtual guarding may be less effective for immediate physical intervention and can face technical issues.

Site Liaisons:

Employees not primarily in a security role, such as receptionists or general managers, tasked with handling on-site security incidents. While cost-effective, site liaisons may lack experience in handling security incidents and could be limited in effectiveness without proper support and communication tools.

Hybrid Approach:

An effective security program often involves a hybrid approach, combining various field resources to address an organization's specific needs, budget, and risk profile. Leveraging the strengths of each type of resource while mitigating weaknesses is key to an effective security strategy.

Understanding the capabilities and limitations of various field resources is crucial for effectively managing them

It requires a strategic blend of technology and people management. Motivating security personnel, establishing clear expectations, and ensuring that they are met are all essential for maintaining a robust security posture.

By tailoring the approach to resource management and utilizing a combination of technology and personnel, organizations can optimize their security programs. This optimization enhances their overall resilience against potential security threats.


Jenna Hardie
Jenna Hardie

Jenna Hardie is senior manager, content and PR, for HiveWatch, a physical security software company reimagining how organizations keep their people and assets safe. Hardie has worked in the physical security, cybersecurity, and high-tech space for nine years, driving brand awareness, media relations, marketing, and communications initiatives.


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