Product Updates

Product Updates: What's New at HiveWatch

Product Updates: What's New at HiveWatch

If we had to pick a theme for the latest product updates, it would be: customization.

As we heard from our customers and potential customers about what would move the needle for their security programs, it was overwhelmingly the ability to leverage a platform that allowed them to create rules and customized processes that help operators focus on what truly matters. 

In addition to other customizable features like embedded standard operating procedures (SOPs) and the ability to set up Guard Tours across your organization, the HiveWatch® GSOC Operating System (OS) now allows you to: 

Customize alerts based on your needs with rules engine

During office hours, program managers might want to disable alarms from a specific door – such as in the lunch room – because multiple people will be entering and exiting during a set time period. Instead of the door alarm going off every time someone enters, now these alarms can be muted so GSOC operators won’t receive alerts in a new feature called rules engine. 

Rules engine is a way for program managers to customize the instance of incoming alarms based on specific rules (time, location, repeatability, etc.).

They can either select a device to mute, pick which incident type they want to mute, or disable alarms for all of them during a specific time period. This provides more control over time of day and alarm type by device, allowing program managers to schedule in the times that they don’t want to see alarms from specific devices, ensuring that operators are paying attention to the alarms that they need to pay attention to. 

Additionally, the incidents are still recorded in the background so program managers can review their rules and measure for program improvements.

Preset views based on responsibilities

In today’s work culture, the constant barrage of alerts and notifications from Slack, email, text messages, etc., can be distracting. In the GSOC environment, fielding incoming alerts unrelated to the area that you’re assigned to can mean missed alarms and thwarted response.

This is why HiveWatch introduced the ability for security program managers to customize the views within the incident view so that GSOC operators can focus on the alarms directly related to their duties and responsibilities. 

Preset views also allow for custom filters that can be saved so that operators don’t have to reconfigure the filters each time they log in. Additionally, the feature removes the incident notifications for incidents that are not contained in the filter. Security program managers will also have the ability to control how the HiveWatch® GSOC OS is being used to streamline operations across the GSOC by enabling “blinders” for GSOC operators.

Create custom incident categories

As security leaders, reporting the types of incidents occurring at any given time becomes an essential part of the job, as leadership relies heavily on data to drive better decision making about business decisions. Being able to quickly identify the kind of security incidents that are occurring in a given time period, as well as being able to determine patterns in these incidents, creates a more proactive approach to security team management. 

Using incident categories, such as “workplace violence” or “device health,” helps security teams better identify common issues across the organization and address accordingly.

As part of the California SB553 requirements for workplace violence prevention planning, being able to easily identify and report specific types of incidents is crucial to fulfilling the requirements of the law. 

As we continue to listen to the needs of our customers and platform users, a common theme emerges: customization. We’re eager to see how these product updates help make your security team more efficient, focused, and data-driven. 

Schedule a demo of these features (and the entire HiveWatch® GSOC OS platform).

Topics: Program Manager Tips, Technology

Jordan Hill
Jordan Hill

Jordan Hill is the Head of Product at HiveWatch. As a DeepTech Product Innovator, he focuses on bringing a fresh perspective to complex industries through data. Jordan holds a B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, at College Park. He is most proud of his time leading Engineering teams to solve impossible problems as a Program Manager at Bird Rides, but even more so his time as an advisor/mentor to early stage founders.


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