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3 Security Trends to Consider in the New Year
As we approach the end of 2023 and look toward the next year (and beyond), it’s important to harness the power of data – not from individual anecdotes, but from on-the-ground security leaders that..
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3 Security Trends to Consider in the New Year
As we approach the end of 2023 and look toward the next year (and beyond), it’s important to harness the power of data – not from individual anecdotes, but from on-the-ground security leaders that..
How Data is Changing Safety in the Workplace
When we all headed home to work back in 2020, security teams reeled at the shift in protection for the modern workplace. And as businesses continue to require more time spent in the office – or..
Taking the Physical Security Ecosystem Approach to Access Control
As a Security Director, I spent a lot of time seeking a single solution that would fulfill all my physical security operational needs — like bending an access control system (ACS) a bit to perform..
Building Cyber Resiliency: Key Strategies for Modern Security Programs
“What is cyber resiliency?” is the question that started off HiveWatch’s latest webinar, “Building Cyber Resiliency in a Physical World.”
Reducing Noise the Right Way
“Noise” in a global security operations center (GSOC) refers to the numerous alarms coming in for operators to analyze and address. Amongst this “noise” are legitimate security alerts that need to be addressed immediately, crowded by completely false alarms triggered..
3 Signs Your Healthcare Security Program Has Inefficiencies
In the midst of Healthcare Safety and Security Week, it’s important to acknowledge the changing landscape of the healthcare industry and the measures required to protect patients, staff, and visitors..
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