Industry Expertise

PSIM is out. Fusion is in.

PSIM is out. Fusion is in.

In a global security operations center (GSOC), operators are making decisions about the safety and wellbeing of assets and people. A lot of the challenges across security programs involve many of these decisions being made reactively, which can cause burnout and fatigue among operators and set security programs back from getting to the root cause of emerging threats. 

The answer? A more tech-forward approach that fuses data together to create a more seamless, proactive, and effective response, also known as Security Fusion. 

Here are some of the challenges that fusion can address:

The Old Way: Numerous systems that require management

In the past, organizations only had one option for integrating disconnected security applications and devices, which came in the form of a physical security information management (PSIM). But these solutions came with a high price tag and complex execution – not to mention minimal ROI.

The New Way: Data fusion

Aiming to integrate data from siloed security systems – think video surveillance, access control points, fire and intrusion alarms, etc. – into a holistic view that enables users to quickly filter de-noised threat information relevant to the organization, is the way forward. Using a Security Fusion Platform® like the HiveWatch® GSOC Operating System (OS) instead of a PSIM broadens the capability of security leaders to pull in additional data points to better inform decisions, such as intel platforms and situational awareness data.

The Old Way: Expensive rip and replace for PSIM

In many cases, implementing a traditional PSIM involves months of designing, building, and implementing a platform that is largely rooted in expensive, on-premise hardware. 

The New Way: Scalable digital transformation

We live in an instant gratification society, and it’s unfair to think that the same doesn’t apply to a large corporation aiming to upgrade their physical security posture. Cloud-native platforms bring speed to the table, as well as the ability to properly scale as necessary and needed.

The Old Way: Too many false alarms

Security operators are constantly addressing which alarms are “real” and which are false alarms. Many of these false alarms are considered “noise.” It becomes crucial then to differentiate between what is noise, and what is intelligent information which can be researched and found viable.

The New Way: Addressing inefficiencies

Bringing in data from multiple sensors and fusing them together creates more intelligence for security operators who are then better able to direct resources to a specific location. Using machine learning, a Security Fusion Platform®  pulls data from a company’s disparate monitoring systems and security sensors to provide operators the information to evaluate and respond to alerts without sifting through false alarms.

The Old Way: Sifting through incoming data

Sometimes in a SOC, there are multiple workstations that contain solutions that must be accessed separately as an alarm comes in. That’s not only inefficient; it’s dangerous.

The New Way: Data-driven decision-making

Centralized monitoring and intelligence changes the way security leaders process information. By incorporating machine learning technology into a platform that fuses multiple data points together to garner better information, decisions are more streamlined and effective. This can also help organizations to move corporate safety operations from reactive-only responses to designing proactive programs that identify threats before they happen.

"As physical security programs look to become more efficient, fusion becomes a new buzzword."

Learn more about the HiveWatch® GSOC OS, which leverages Security Fusion technology to better inform response and provide more value to a business.

Topics: GSOC, PSIM, Security Fusion Platform

Ryan Schonfeld
Ryan Schonfeld

Ryan Schonfeld is currently the Founder & CEO at HiveWatch, which has created a software platform that allows security teams to bring together data from their existing disparate security systems and provides them with an intelligent, holistic, and actionable view. This enables security leaders to respond to prioritized, “de-noised” risks. Ryan holds a masters in Information Systems and Technology from George Washington University and a B.S. in Justice from American University with a minor in Information Systems and Technology. He is proud of his past work as a police officer and investigator and an instructor for the U.S. Department of State's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program.


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