HiveWatch News & Culture

Women's History Month: The Hive Influences

Women's History Month: The Hive Influences

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we see a lot of commentary on influential leaders in the tech industry and across the world. But women are making an impact each and every day on a smaller scale that can carry others forward in meaningful ways. 

We asked the HiveWatch team: Who is the most influential woman in your life and why? Here are some of the responses:

“So far, the most influential woman in my life was my elementary school art teacher. She always encouraged me to go after what made my heart happy, even if others didn't see the value of it at the time. I was obsessed with art and performance but my anxiety always got in the way, except for when she was around or leading the projects. My safe space.”

Denisse Hernandez, Customer Support Operations Lead

“My wife. She was a United States Marine, she birthed and raised two sons while being stepmother to my daughter, juggled jobs and school - for herself and the kids - when I had to go away from work, supported me with every decision that I made... oh, and she earned a BS in Food Science and is an R&D chemist at a leading energy drink company (you can find multiple beverages she has developed in stores now!).”

Cheyne White, Director of vGSOC Operations

“This is a tie between my mom and my sister! Both were key female figures in my upbringing and continue to have an impact on me in my adult life. They're hardworking, loving, and full of life. As the younger sister, I appreciate the relationship we all share which brings me joy and laughter like no other place, person, or thing can.”

Barinya Morales, People Operations Manager

“My mum! She always knows how to put things in perspective for me, encourages me, and loves me unconditionally.”

Rhiannon Brooks, Product Manager

“My best friend, Chandler. She supports me unconditionally and always lifts me up. She's an amazing career woman, mom, and friend and I'm always in awe of what she accomplishes.”

Sara Schonfeld, VP of Marketing

“My grandmother. At 40 years old, after 3 children, she went back to get her college degree and became a nurse practitioner that opened up diabetes wards in hospitals all across the country. When I was little she would talk to me all about business travel and entering board rooms where she was often the only woman. Her experiences stuck with me and are what prompted me to pursue a corporate career - I wore one of her vintage business suits to my first consulting job.”

Rebecca Sherouse, Director of Account Strategy & Security Advisory

“Mother Teresa. I benefited from early education because of her work in India. She was devoted to service, which always inspires me to move forward with a smile since that is what is comforting for all.” - Rinku Pandey, Staff Software Engineer

To learn more about the culture at HiveWatch, check out our series of blogs that highlight our company here.



HiveWatch is a cloud based Security Fusion Platform™ that works with your existing security systems to power your GSOC through Multi-sensor Resolution™


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